
Please be aware: Information shared in this development blog represents a work in progress, not the final product. Contents and features discussed are subject to change before release. The aim is to provide insight and foster community engagement, but details may evolve as development continues. Thank you for joining on this journey, with the understanding that what you see here is a glimpse into the process.


The DayZ team welcomes readers to their Dev Blog, offering a behind-the-scenes look at the development of the DayZ Frostline Expansion. This blog aims to share the studio’s challenges and successes with the community, whose support has been vital to the game’s success. The blog is a gesture of appreciation, inviting players to join the creative journey.

New Environment Hazards: Heavy Metal Poisoning

The developers are introducing Heavy Metal Poisoning to enhance the survival experience. This feature adds complexity by having players contract the disease from consuming water or snow contaminated by volcanic ash in Sakhal. The disease progresses through multiple stages with increasing symptoms and penalties. Proper filtration is essential to avoid the harsh risks of consuming fallen snow in Sakhal.

Here’s a little taste of what might happen if the effects of Heavy Metal Poisoning take over:

Tackling the Threat

Fortunately, those afflicted by Heavy Metal Poisoning can manage and treat the condition. Avoiding further contaminated intake and utilizing specific treatments are key strategies:

  • Chelating Drugs: These potent medications can stop the disease’s progression and reverse its effects. Additionally, they can be used to purify water.

By implementing these measures, players can mitigate the dangers of consuming contaminated resources in Sakhal’s harsh environment.

Chelating Tablets.jpg

– Filtering Bottle: This device ensures snow can be safely consumed, providing a lifeline in the snow-clad regions of the game.

Recovery and Heat Comfort

Recovering from Heavy Metal Poisoning does not grant immunity, highlighting the need for careful decision-making.

Heat Comfort

As DayZ Frostline evolves, the survival elements become more challenging. With the Sakhal map, players face an eternal winter, making the upgraded heat comfort system crucial. Understanding this system is key to enduring the harsh conditions of the Frostline expansion.

Key Elements of Heat Comfort

The Heat Comfort system simulates the effects of temperature, gear, and environment on body temperature. Critical factors include:

  • Environmental Conditions: Air temperature, altitude, and weather like snow and rain.
  • Player Actions: Movement speed, wetness, and proximity to heat or cold sources.
  • Gear and Clothing: Insulation value, condition, and wetness of clothing.
  • Food Consumption: Food temperature impacts heat comfort. Hot food damages health, warm food boosts comfort, normal food is neutral, and cold or frozen food lowers temperature.

The inventory menu UI has been tweaked to reflect these changes.

From Hot to Frozen.png

The Impact of Discomfort

Failing to manage heat comfort results in penalties, affecting water and energy consumption, health, and weapon handling.

Navigating the Changes

The heat comfort system introduces new gameplay mechanics and strategies:

  • Clothing Matters: Pristine clothes offer full insulation, while wet or damaged gear reduces thermal comfort.
  • Environment Navigation: Seek shelter to mitigate weather penalties. Indoor spaces or covered areas provide relief from the cold.
  • Utilizing Heat Sources: Stay close to fireplaces for immediate warmth and to fill a heat buffer, protecting against discomfort.

Thermal Comfort UI

The interface displays heat comfort levels through the HUD. Colors range from blue (cold discomfort) to red (heat discomfort), with white indicating a neutral state. A visual time indicator shows how long warmth can be sustained before the heat buffer depletes.

Heat Comfort v2.jpg

Final Thoughts

Updating the heat comfort system in DayZ was crucial for achieving the desired Frostline gameplay experience. It was a challenging task, especially considering the impact these changes would have on the existing, warmer maps. The team had to ensure a balanced approach that enhanced the survival elements in the cold environment of Frostline while maintaining playability across all maps. This update reflects the team’s commitment to providing an immersive and realistic survival experience for all players.

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