

  • It is highly recommended to use the Steam client option to verify the integrity of the local game cache to avoid corrupted data and control issues after downloading this update.
  • Consider de-fragmenting your HDD after downloading large updates.
  • In case of problems, please check the Bohemia Interactive support F.A.Q.DayZ F.A.Q., or BattlEye F.A.Q.
  • You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker.


  • Added: New vehicle Sarka 120 with attachments
  • Added: Dead bodies decay over time
  • Added: Localized texts for Tutorials


  • Fixed: Body parts were not rendered from a certain distance
  • Fixed: Infected chased dynamic objects (cars etc)
  • Fixed: Stuck hand-slot with tents
  • Fixed: Items could not be swapped from inventory to vicinity
  • Fixed: Several issues with building collisions (item placement, climbing, throwing or door related issues)
  • Fixed: Cholera only triggered vomiting once per session
  • Fixed: A client crash when adding a pot with boiling water to your inventory
  • Fixed: Tactical Goggles did not display any textures
  • Fixed: Weapons dropped from killed players hands would become ruined


  • Changed: Car crashes can now decrease the players health
  • Tweaked: Spawn orientation of the Gunter 2 parts
  • Tweaked: Salmonella (lowered the stomach volume threshold for vomiting, increased the vomiting chance, added removal of water and energy when vomiting)
  • Tweaked: Cholera (over-time water drain added, lowered the stomach volume threshold for vomiting, increased chance of vomiting, added water and energy removal when vomiting)
  • Tweaked: Food poisoning (vomiting no longer cancels it, lowered agent activation threshold, lowered vomiting frequency, water and energy removal during vomiting)
  • Tweaked: Added the food poisoning agents for gasoline and disinfectant (to be replaced by toxicity modifier later)
  • Tweaked: Eating a multivitamin pill now shows a UI notifier (pill icon)
  • Tweaked: Fresh spawn player loadout (roadflare switched for chemlight of random color)
  • Tweaked: Increased blood loss from bleeding sources
  • Tweaked: Bandaging using a rag or bandana no longer causes the wound infection, because wound infection had no effect on player characters
  • Tweaked: All pants can be wrung out now


  • Tweaked: Default food poison and salmonella agents added to the meat stages (burned=food poison, rotten=salmonella+food poison, raw=salmonella) and guts (salmonella)
  • Fixed: GetStomachVolume() on PlayerStomach was not reset when ClearContents() was called


  • Certain bullet calibers might be inefficient over range
  • Infected are not reacting properly to the VoN
  • The PAS radio is not visible in the inventory UI
  • Wolves can hit a player inside cars through closed doors

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