Code Lock

Code Lock is used in Mydayz Server


This is a completely re-vamped, UI-based, Combination Lock.
When placing the lock onto a fence, a UI will appear allowing you to set a code for that fence, same goes for unlocking, removing the hassle of dialing digits over and over again. 
Enjoy the Arma 3 days of UI based locks.

Note: if you drag the lock onto a gate, the UI will not immediately appear. You must then choose “Set Pin” on the gate.

Questions? join my discord to ask questions, share feedback, or report bugs! Everyone is welcome. ( Invite posted below )


Configuration Instruction:

– Locate the mod config file in your servers profile folder ( Name is CodeLockConfig.json )
If this file does not exist, run the server, it’ll generate itself. 
– Change the m_CanCutLock boolean to either a 0 or a 1.
1 – true, enables the ability to cut off the lock.
0 – false, disables the ability to cut off the lock.
Anything other than a 1 or 0 will break the config file and potentially break the mod and the locks in the server!