Diseases, Symptoms, and Treatments in DayZ

In DayZ, understanding diseases, their symptoms, and treatments is vital for survival. Here’s a comprehensive guide:

Disease Overview

The diseases in DayZ, their causes, symptoms, prevention, and treatments are detailed below.

Disease Table

Name Causes Stage 1 Symptoms Stage 2 Symptoms Prevention Treatment
Wound Infection Unclean bandages Light pain sounds Heavy blurry vision Disinfect bandages Tetracycline
Cholera Drinking unsafe water Fever/Sweating Severe vomiting Use chlorine tabs Tetracycline
Salmonella Raw meat consumption Vomiting Severe fever Cook food properly Charcoal tabs
Cold Exposure to cold Sneezing Severe sneezing Stay warm Tetracycline
Poisoning Ingesting bad food Vomiting Constant vomiting Avoid unknown food Charcoal tabs
Kuru Cannibalism Laughter Uncontrollable laughter Do not eat human meat No cure
Hemolytic Reaction Wrong blood type transfusion Instant unconsciousness Unconsciousness Know blood type Saline Bag
Toxic Poisoning Toxic zone exposure Coughing blood Death Avoid toxic zones PO-X Antidote
Toxic Zone Entering toxic zone Coughing every 15 seconds Continuous coughing Wear gas mask NBC suit
Fractured Leg High falls Shock damage Unconsciousness Avoid falls Splint
Frostbite Cold exposure Blue skin Permanent max health reduction Stay warm Keep warm

Disease Prevention and Treatment

To avoid diseases:

  • Use clean bandages
  • Avoid drinking unsafe water
  • Properly cook food
  • Stay warm and dry
  • Avoid eating human meat

If you get infected:

  • Use Tetracycline for infections
  • Use Charcoal Tabs for food poisoning
  • Wear an NBC suit in toxic zones

Understanding and managing these diseases can significantly enhance your survival chances in DayZ. Stay vigilant and take necessary precautions! 🌿🏥

📌 Note: This infographic was created by the talented Asmondian.

For more advanced guides and tips on DayZ, visit our Knowledge Base. Stay safe and good luck, survivor! 🌟🔪🎒