Medicines Guide in DayZ

In DayZ, proper use of medical supplies can mean the difference between life and death. Here’s a comprehensive guide to the various medicines available, their effects, and durations.

Blood Related

  • Saline Bag IV
    • Duration: 3 minutes
    • Effects: Boosts blood regeneration and provides 400 hydration points.
  • Blood Bag IV
    • Duration: Immediate
    • Effects: Restores 500 blood units instantly, but must be compatible blood type.
  • Blood Test Kit
    • Duration: Immediate
    • Effects: Shows the blood type of the person tested.

Diseases Related

  • Tetracycline Pills
    • Duration: 5 minutes
    • Effects: Treats Cholera, Cold/Flu, and Wound Infections.
  • Charcoal Tablets
    • Duration: 5 minutes
    • Effects: Treats Salmonella and Poisonings.
  • Multivitamin Pills
    • Duration: 5 minutes
    • Effects: Boosts immune system, reducing disease chances.

Hygiene Related

  • Iodine Tincture
    • Duration: Immediate
    • Effects: Disinfects wounds and dirty bandages.
  • Alcohol Disinfectant
    • Duration: Immediate
    • Effects: Disinfects wounds and prevents disease spread.
  • Chlorine Tablets
    • Duration: Immediate
    • Effects: Purifies water.

Movement Related

  • Improvised Splint
    • Duration: 15 minutes
    • Effects: Removes shock damage from fractures.
  • Morphine Injector
    • Duration: 1 minute
    • Effects: Removes limp state, allowing full movement.
  • Epinephrine Injector
    • Duration: 1 minute
    • Effects: Removes stamina consumption and wakes up unconscious players.
  • Codeine Pills
    • Duration: 5 minutes
    • Effects: Improves limp and reduces shock damage.

Understanding and utilizing these medicines effectively will greatly enhance your survival chances in the harsh world of DayZ. Stay prepared and stay safe!

📌 Note: This infographic was created by the talented Asmondian.

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