PC Experimental 1.26 Update 2 – Version 1.26.158670 (Release on 22.08.2024)


  • Consider using the Steam client option to verify the integrity of the local game cache to avoid corrupted data after downloading this update.
  • Consider de-fragmenting your HDD after downloading large updates.
  • In case of problems, please check the Bohemia Interactive support F.A.Q., DayZ F.A.Q., or BattlEye F.A.Q.
  • You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker.



  • Rubber Boat
  • Experimental watermark with version number
  • New sound effects for pneumonia
  • New sound effects for fishing with the improvised fishing rod
  • Particles for car wheels on asphalt and gravel
  • DayZ Frostline info in the main menu


  • Fixed an exploit to look through walls
  • Fixed a game crash in the Livonia underground
  • The name of the dead fox was not correctly displayed
  • Fixed unintended behavior of the fishing trap
  • It was not possible to drink from animal troughs
  • Shooting small plastic objects generated a black dust particle effect
  • The middle and top floors of watchtowers were not visible in the vicinity view
  • Multiple fireplaces in close proximity would persist even through heavy rain
  • Several items were clipping when added to the cooking slot of fireplaces
  • Fixed several broken item interactions
  • Sidewalks in Chernarus were disproportionately harmful to footwear (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T182580)
  • The shemag was not properly held in hands
  • The heat pack was missing its fire geometry
  • The tactical goggles weren’t fully displayed in inventory view
  • The hunting vest had wrong fire geometry
  • Rain was not visible from inside a vehicle
  • It was not possible to use the surrender emote with an item in hands
  • It was not possible to upgrade a torch with fuel from a gas station pump
  • Other players could see buried items on top of the supposed stash location (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T183104 – private)
  • The wolf headdress was missing certain materials


  • Reduced inventory capacity of backpacks and some larger jackets
  • Tweaked the free-look restrictions during continuous actions
  • Cooking meat from predators now has a 40% chance of ridding it from parasites
  • Reduced sound ranges for ambient animals
  • Tweaked heat insulation values for the patrol gear variants


  • Fixed: Not setting a shardID for your server would result in it defaulting to a bad value (ShardIds 000 – 099 will not function) (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T183412)


  • Added: DayZPlayer.GetLookLimits and DayZPlayer.GetAimLimits script API
  • Added: CatchYieldBank registration management methods (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T183548)
  • Added: “SurfaceInfo.GetByName” and “SurfaceInfo.GetByFile” to directly get the SurfaceInfo
  • Fixed: Applied several changes to sustain modding compatibility
  • Changed: CatchYieldBank defaults initialization for modded WorldData (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T183548)


  • The character can glitch under water after exiting boat at high speed
  • Incorrect “Stop engine” behavior on boats
  • Sea wave movement sometimes jumps
  • It is not possible to repair boats
  • Push boat is present from inside the boat
  • Inconsistent and missing damage textures of the boats
  • Players can ride ruined boats
  • Boats cannot be damaged via melee combat
  • Camera behavior is wrong when switching from 1pp to 3pp in CivilianSedan and exiting boats
  • Character gets thrown off the boat when fishing from it
  • Surrender gesture is not working consistently when standing inside boat and on vehicles
  • Climbing on a boat can cause wrong animations
  • Climbing on boat, especially with no or low stamina causes animation issues
  • Pull out body in boat animation can glitch
  • Smoke particles are appearing from the incorrect part of oven
  • Smoke particle stays on ovens even after smoking item is removed
  • Volumetric fog is not present immediately after connecting
  • Heat comfort of the player rises when eating food with neutral temperature

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