PC Experimental 1.26 Update 3 – Version 1.26.158752 (Release on 10.09.2024)



  • Linux servers failed to restart (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T183938)
  • Fixed multiple server crashes
  • Incorrect “Stop engine” behavior on boats
  • It was not possible to repair boats
  • It was possible to drive ruined boats
  • Boats could not be damaged via melee combat
  • Fixed issues with the damaged material of the boats
  • Boats could randomly jump
  • Camera behavior was wrong when switching from 1pp to 3pp in CivilianSedan and exiting boats
  • Character was thrown off the boat when fishing from it
  • It was possible to push boats while on top of them
  • Sound ranges and frequency of some animals was too high (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T183444, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T183742)
  • Heat comfort of the player was rising when eating food with neutral temperature
  • Heat buffer UI transitions were not gradual enough
  • It was possible to achieve heat buffer with a gas stove
  • Smoke particles were appearing from the incorrect part of ovens
  • Smoke particle stayed on ovens even after the smoking item was removed
  • It was not possible to collect snow
  • The sound of washing hands would continue playing after the action was interrupted
  • When attempting to cook a badly damaged Zucchini, it would become burned instantly
  • It was possible to see under water if the character did not move
  • Potatoes were not correctly reflecting their temperature
  • Food poisoning was triggering unintentional effects at higher levels
  • Influenza would stop to grow at a lower level than intended
  • It took too long for influeza to fully develop
  • Bone and wooden hooks were not visible when placed on roads
  • The hitbox of the tactical backpack was too big
  • The temperature of a steak attached to a wodden stick in the shoulder slot did not decrease naturally (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T183627)
  • Rabbits and Foxes had a tendency to get stuck in the environment
  • Radios remained active after respawning (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T181730)
  • Animals caught via traps were not properly spawned at the trap
  • Unsuccesful trap triggers would have the attachment slot disappear and reduce bait volume by 99%
  • Large stones were not properly described as materials for constructions
  • Doors of Sarka wrecks were not completely registered by bullets
  • Patrol jackets on the ground weren’t fully registered by bullets
  • The wolf headdress could slightly clip with hands
  • The server browser would only display server names once all servers were loaded


  • Tweaked boat configuration
  • Boat engine turns off autiomatically now when beaching the boat
  • Reduced damage to containers when filled with scorching hot liquids
  • Heat buffer now depletes faster when the player is in water


  • Environmental fog could change drastically shortly after login on Chernarus


  • Fixed: Grass ground was too shiny (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T183537)


  • Tweaked: World temperatures on cfggameplay.json, old values can be found in the according world data scripts


  • Added: Map makers can now add a map filter for their custom map to the server browser map filters by adding the map mission and display name to the filters with a static function call in the 3_Game script module within there custom map mod scripts: ServerBrowserHelperFunctions.AddMapInfo(“MapMissionName”, “FancyMapName”);
  • The mission name is case sensitive and needs to match with the actual world class name from the cfgWorlds class
  • Fixed: ‘HumanCommandScript.AddHeadingRelativeTo’ and ‘HumanCommandScript.SetHeading’ was not using the values passed
  • Fixed: Game crash when spawning a vehicle that isn’t a car or boat


  • The character can glitch under water after exiting boat at high speed
  • Sea wave movement sometimes jumps
  • Push boat is present from inside the boat
  • Surrender gesture is not working consistently when standing inside boat and on vehicles
  • Climbing on a boat can cause wrong animations
  • Climbing on boat, especially with no or low stamina causes animation issues
  • Pull out body in boat animation can glitch

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